1. Change in temperature. it's been in the 90's pretty much all week! and
in the middle of the day, like high 90's! I want to say i'm getting used to
it... but i'm really not. hahah its all good though.
2. Transfer change! At transfer meeting, President Toone invited the whole
mission to be there! (except the Yuma zone, they skyped in). But he pretty much
had a smackdown on us about being better and more consecrated and leading each
other with Love. it was powerful.
3. Companion change! My new companion is Sister M*. She is from Virginia! She is 21 and has been out 1 transfer longer than me! I
love her so much already! We get along really well, she is the sweetest most
loving person I know. She is super dedicated and converted. And we work really
well together. I am so excited for this transfer! Things are happening in
4. Easter pageant! WE had the opportunity on Thursday to host the mesa
easter pageant "Jesus the Christ"! We didn't get to stay and watch it becasue we
didn't have investigators there. but on friday we will be able to! This is
seriously a huge thing here! it's like the Hill cumorah pageant! I am so
excited! it is a great misisonary tool!
could literally go on for pages telling how amazing it was. I have literally
seen her change her life around 360 degrees. My testimony of the gospel of Jesus
Christ has grown so much by seeing her enter the waters of baptism and make that
covenant with Heavenly Father. I love her, and told her that after my mission
she should come live in Oregon with us! haha
I love this work so much and I love the people here. Thanks for all the
support and all the prayers. I love you so much! And thank you Stimpson family
for the care package! I loved it!
Sister Dewey
"Family tree picture! A*, the recent convert, Sister J*, my grandma, sister F*, my mom, sister K*, my aunt, and then ME!" |
"J* baptism" |
"Sister M* and I were matching with J*that day!"
"With a youth in our ward, N*, at the Stake BBQ"
"at the mesa temple for the pageant hosting"